Healthy Starts Here

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We Help You With?

Anxious Tendencies
Pet Relief
Feelings of Discomfort
Skincare & Collagen
Pet Relief
Anxious Tendencies


My Journey

My journey began at the age of twenty-five when I finally received a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, an invisible illness. It was a challenging path, but not without hope.  If I had known then what I know now, I would have avoided an incredible amount of pain and heartache. I would have prevented thirteen painful abdominal surgeries.  My sweet children would never have found me motionless in pain on the floor. I wouldn’t have missed days of my life fighting through debilitating pain. I also would not have taken an enormous amount of medication that led me to discovering a beautiful “new” world of natural solutions that ultimately allowed me to be pain and medication free.

If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have suffered nearly as much, but I also wouldn’t have clung to my hope and faith in God. I would not have found myself praying so desperately to be healed, and I wouldn’t find myself here, writing about hope for those who suffer and sharing the healing power of God-designed, plant-based medicine. If I knew then what I know now, there would be no miracle to my story.

I call both Texas and Oklahoma home, but I currently live in Prairie Village, KS with my husband, 3 teenage boys and 2 perfectly crazy dogs.  I graduated from Texas Christian University and from Washington University in St. Louis with my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy. I practiced OT in a variety of clinical settings, including the NICU, Acute Care, Neuro, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Skilled Nursing. Primarily due to health limitations, I moved into pharmaceutical sales.

Due to health limitations, I transitioned into the field of pharmaceutical sales. As my illness progressed, I gradually embraced natural remedies when medications and surgeries failed to provide a solution. Initially skeptical, I experienced a remarkable improvement in my health through the use of plant-based medicine. Motivated by my journey of healing and faith, I launched BecomingNatural.com to share my story, sprinkled with a touch of humor. Alongside my passion for OT, I am also a certified Hemp Wellness coach and a certified Leadership Coach.


What is CBD?2022-09-15T18:48:25-05:00

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 140 naturally occurring compounds found in the cannabis plant. We call them cannabinoids. Other well-studied cannabinoids include THC, CBG, & CBN. Historically, CBD has been proven to be non-addictive, safe, and used for many amazing health benefits documented as early as 2700 years B.C.

What are the differences between Marijuana and Hemp?2022-10-05T12:55:17-05:00

Cannabis is the umbrella term with Marijuana being on one side of the umbrella and Hemp being on the other.

  • Marijuana is high in THC (the psychoactive component) and low in CBD (non-psychoactive).
  • Hemp is high is CBD and low in THC.

Through the years farmers have genetically modified the cannabis plant to have more or less THC based on recreational or medicinal purposes. It is necessary to determine if your CBD oil is considered to be Marijuana-based CBD oil (possibly psychoactive) or Hemp-based CBD Oil (non-psychoactive. The Farm Bill that was passed in December of 2018 allowed for up to .3% of THC (trace amounts) to be legalized for medicinal purposes. When trace amounts of THC work together with CBD, it is called the Entourage Effect. This ultimately means an explosion of therapeutic benefits.

What is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?2022-10-05T12:59:20-05:00

CBD is unique in that it acts on the largest receptor system in our body that was discovered in the late 1990’s. It is known as the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS is how cannabinoids, like CBD and THC, offer their benefits to our body. As the body’s largest receptor system, the ECS is constantly providing balance throughout our body for optimal health and wellness. It is quite possibly the most important physiological system we have in maintaining our health. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has stated that it “may have therapeutic potential in almost all conditions affecting humans”. It is known that every living creature with a spine has an Endocannabinoid System.

The receptors (CB1 and CB2) associated with the ECS are the most abundant receptors in the entire body. This includes the cardiovascular, pulmonary, immune, endocrine, urinary, digestive, central nervous system, muscular, skeletal, reproductive, and lymphatic system. These receptors help to regulate and set the tempo for our body’s own endocannabinoids which, in return, play a crucial role in the balance that is needed throughout our body systems.

Why Take CBD?2022-10-05T13:49:13-05:00

We naturally produce cannabinoids in our bodies, but just like with vitamins, we can become deficient causing our health to decline. Cannabinoid deficiencies can be caused by environmental factors we experience every day from toxins in the air or in our food or simply physical or emotional stress on our bodies. The compounds in the cannabis plant, including CBD, work together to help our body return to balance and perform at its best. This can lead to better sleep, mood, agility, less discomfort and overall natural health and wellness. A clean, high quality CBD oil can be used safely by people of all ages, as well as their furry friends.

Learn More in Our Video Library2022-09-15T20:31:57-05:00
How Do I Choose a Quality CBD?2023-01-20T16:01:59-06:00

CBD oil is everywhere! It’s at the gas station, grocery store, box stores. How do you know which one to buy? I like to educate my customers so they can determine for themselves and often times, see the red flags from a mile away! My favorite thing to do is to analyze a new CBD company, but hopefully, you can come to your own conclusions from this short list of “Musts”.

“Living Clean in a Dirty World”


Your success with medical cannabis depends on compassionate care from knowledgeable staff. We partner with multiple continuing education organizations to ensure you receive care that’s doctor developed and scientifically supported.



Lauren M.
Focused Extermination, Kansas City
I woke up one morning and my elbow was in such excruciating pain, it was hard to bend it…. I put [the topical cream] on my elbow before I left the office and all the sudden I was halfway through the day and realized ‘oh my Gosh! I don’t have any pain at all and haven’t all morning since the topical cream application.’ That’s impressive

Lauren M.
Focused Extermination, Kansas City


Jake S.
High School Junior
I had a crush fracture in my finger from getting my finger crushed between 2 shoulder pads in football. The doctor told me to return in a week to drill my nail to relieve the pressure that would build under the nail. I used Reduce Cream twice a day on my finger and not only did I not have to drill my nail, my finger

Jake S.
High School Junior
CBD for Pets In Prairie Village


Kelli F.
Our 12.5 year old labrador retriever, Grady, had begun struggling with joint pain and, in particular, use of his back legs. It had gotten pretty bad, and for a period of days he spent most of his time in his bed, wouldn’t get up to greet us and would only very slowly get up to eat (he usually races to his food bowl). I mentioned

Kelli F.


I started CBD to address the joint discomfort in my knees and hands. I really didn’t realize how much good the CBD was doing for me until I stopped using it during a short hospital stay. The pain in my knees returned and it became more difficult to walk again. I was counting the days to get out of the hospital so I could get



After having neck and back surgery, I never quite felt 100%. I was struggling with discomfort up and down my arm making it impossible to swing a golf club. Getting a good nights sleep was so very rare! I use the1000mg Cinnamon Tincture and Reduce Cream every day and am now swinging the golf club easily. I am loving the game again thanks to CBD


“Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river… Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”

Ezekiel 47:12

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

Ann Wigmore

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